Jumat, 16 Desember 2016


                                        INDIGENOUS FOREST

                                       ~ understanding indigenous forest
                                       ~ benefits of indigenous forest

      Customary forest is  a forest which is managed by the comunity of local custom which is bicoming particular place in the form eof the preservation of the native forest,the imfortance of forest which human in help your life.

  Indigenous forest are very influential in peoples spirituality of local cummunities bicause in somewhere past always  have confidance in something that smell of tradition and one the integral is forest in the indigenous firest play  imfortant role as a from of local people is good for young and future generations.

   Benefits between the forest as we know it provides oxygen for living creatures,shelter and refuge,the main ingredient for the house,where live wildlile,wild honey bee hive,filter the river water,aesthetics,tourism,and nature reserves.

 Lets us preserve our indigenous forest from now if not us who else if not now when again we want our indigenous forest alive.

             Thank you see you god bless

Senin, 05 Desember 2016