Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

Your favorite place you’ve traveled to 

This is the place that most often I and his friends visit the most favorite place was the more easily it, this place is a lake excavated gold mine in the sub river sifter Sekadau, here we usually relaxed bathing and swimming her water green and clear, here we business with friends is usually able to spend half a day to besantai, Selfi, and swimming, although we frequently to this lake we never get bored on the contrary we are very happy to swim in its water calm irradiated heat of the sun, its water clear no less with the swimming pool at his general, the extent of perhaps 200 meters around its 500 meters with a depth that varies, the lake is called lake simpi because still the region of the village of simpi districts river sifter Sekadau, usually we visited this lake while leisure time and time off like the Christmas holiday Easter holiday new year holiday, a holiday eid, and public holidays other, not only us who frequent visitor to this place but from various parts of the districts other despite the distance of its rather distant and terrain sandy never fade our passion, and our struggle will be paid when we arrived and looked at the lake water green enchanting the eye and exciting to swim in the water of his vast, a great satisfaction that is felt when up and swim in this lake sensations felt when jumping from the cliffs of the lake is not too high approximately 4.5 meter

This is an application that I like because in this application I can find new friends and a lot of friends from the start of the village, a different village, district, county, city, provincial, inter-island and can even make friends across the country, here a lot to do as inbox, fosting photos, fosting video, fosting rhymes, poems, information on health, buying and selling goods, automobiles, motorcycles, cell phone, laptop, selling clothes, and msih M any more we can do, the application this suggests us to communicate like in life obvious why .... because when we fosting message will be nothing like fosting our message, and some are going to comment on fosting us, this is very exciting because we can communicate with new friends, family, even people we love, usually I can spend my free time to play in this application ya so perfect
I can see a lot and very much fosting friends from that made fosting sad personal life, until about a boyfriend and fostingan unimportant when compared to other apps her I might be able to say like the features of this application, but sometimes I also feel bored if always see fostingan indecent nature ethnocentrism and feel most of the others want to taste the fosting block.

Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

                  What movie best describes your life

this film tells the story of someone male who is very fond of his girlfriend and was very afraid for losing your woman of her baby, a boy is very lover of the woman she was so surrendered my heart to her, when it dear what can we do may not be the man that leaving the woman whom he fondly, and for someone who believes in true love she will always care, attention, love, protect, protect, love, and she did not hesitate to give everything just for the happy couple and even he did not hesitate're losing everything even his life itself, it is those of us who might see from one eye has no meaning but for their love without sacrifice is in fact not the real thing but just a play in life,

for me what is very similar to the film is compassion, a sense of care as a human being first couples because the film tells about the love a male to a female of course is a boyfriend, and if listened to properly track its very wrenching feeling and wanted it feels dripping my tears, I really like this movie because of her songs were slashed and if I'm sad this song was very well suited to the current state of my grief and my taste and it is true of this film is perfect and very similar to the love life of my, indeed life is not easy even to fight for something that we think is right and someone

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

your favorite selfi and why

This is my photo of this moment was taken on 22 October 2013, this is an activity that is organized by an organization called OMK these organizations often conduct one of which is a visit to the village tentangga precisely in semuntai, visit this applies on an agreement between the president of the organization , members, and parents, OMK shelter under the auspices of the Catholic church because the organization is engaged in the field of religion precisely the Catholic religion, participate in an organization is a pleasure for me because there we can learn to be a character togetherness and volunteerism, I really liked the photo this because this is a moment where I can be with my friends see new things and nature is so natural can be seen in the back of my photos are old bridge is still standing strong and a bit of natural scenery fresh to be seen, of visits OMK's aims to strengthen friendship between OMK, and build a sense of community and kinship among organizations OMK, Iingin feels repeat a sense of community at the same time with friends, but unfortunately all only memories that sometimes make the tears but I am proud to be together and visit together in the village semuntai with you guys feel real and peaceful life of this photo will be memories in a suspension bridge semuntai.

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

Your reason choosing your study major at Untan

my name is Francis ayub of Sekadau a pride for me in UNTAN very favorite for everyone, it can be said to be very difficult to get into UNTAN, I have to go through SMPTN, SBMPTN, SELF, although it has been entered in UNTAN there was a bit of a disappointment for me because I do not can be entered in the faculty of economics, it turns out I joined the faculty of forestry which can not be entered in the faculty that I like but this is a very important lesson for me may be all that we want and prefer not be everything we have, forestry I like a lot to us know and learn in terms of both physical and stories about the forest, surely the forest to save a thousand and one stories in it very interesting for us to know, for me the forest is a place that can give peace and I've received in the faculty of forestry that means the forest is my path and
I must and can strive to be able to survive because munkin this is the way life should I skip and live from God, keep the spirit and kept fighting even though I knew it would not be easy but no one tried to live his

                                                       simple present tense
         digunakan untuk menyatakan habitual action atau rutinitas dan fakta-fakta umum

                                        (+)  s + v1/(s/es)
                                        (-)   s + do/does + not + v1
                                        (?)  do/does + s + v1

                                                     simple past tense
              digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang terjadi di masa lampau

                                       (+)  s + v2
                                       (-)  s + did + not v1
                                       (?)  did + s v1

              they went to campus by bus

                                                  present/past continous tense
                                menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung

                                     (+)  s + be +
                                     (-)   s + be + no +
                                     (?)  be + s +
            -they are going to campus by bus
            -she was going to campus by motorcycle

                                                 simple future tense
digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kejadian yang belum terjadi,masih di rencanakan / kejadian dimasa yang akan datang.

                                  (+)  s + will + v1
                                  (-)   s + will + not + v1
                                  (?)  will + s + v1
                 they will go to campus by bus

                                                psesent perfect tense
               menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan hasilnya terasa atau terlihat
                                 (+)  s + has / have + v3
                                 (-)   s + has / have + not + v3
                                 (?)  has + s + v3
             -they has gone to campus by bus
             -they not have gone to campus by bus